Ady has a new home

As the Ady Ensemble starts to establish itself, it seemed like a good time for us to give it a proper home online. I’ll still be jotting away here (especially now that the renovations are finally almost complete), but if you’d like to keep an eye on what Ady (i.e. the ensemble) is up to, then to, where you’ll find the latest news, and details on events.

See you there!

Time for a six-monthly reflective message…

With the end of the year looming, not to mention Christmas, it’s time for one of my six-monthly reflective messages. Usually I do these in the form of a status message on FB, or leave these for one of my private journals. But this one is going to be a little bit longer than is suitable for a mere status message, and which I feel is worthy of sharing with those of you who care for both Paula and myself, and not just for my own private, reflective, gestation, at a time far in the distant future.

8th of December

It’s been just over a year since I started the blog, and it is showing no signs of finishing off in the near future. We’ve had some sad news- Panda’s father just passed away a couple of days ago. I won’t talk about this too much just now, suffice to say that he had been a stroke sufferer for some time. I’ve just discovered in the last hour or so that one of my oldest friends is back in town after a a six year absence. I’ve only seen him a handful of times over the last fourteen years, and it’s amazing that we’ve stayed in touch over this time.

Stay tuned later in the month as I will probably do some sort of retrospective on what have certainly been a year of events- mostly good ones.