Depression is something that is, apparently, becoming almost an epidemic in our society. But yet it is still treated by many as a taboo thing. Something to put up with. Something not to be spoken about because it’s embarrassing. The impression that this is a condition that must be endured- alone.
Editorβs Note: The smiley faces haven’t transferred as well from the old website to the new, so what’s remained of the old ones is at the bottom of this entry. But the point is made- there are so many people who suffer from depression. You are not alone. J
The last belief, that several of whom I’ve met with depression have had, is for me the saddest. It seems to me that if one thing is going to help someone with depression, and even if it is only of slight relief, it is the knowledge that there are those who may not have it themselves, but know and want to help those who do.
With this thought in mind, I shall be doing the following from now on, on the site: For every new person that I meet who is suffering with depression, I shall add a smiley face, as a comment, to this entry. I hope this will bring comfort to those who are out there who do suffer, alone, whether they are one of the smiley faces or not. The point is- you are not alone, and my heart goes out to you. Please feel free to add a smiley face if you know of someone who suffers from depression.
05 Jul 2006 07:14 pm
05 Jul 2006 07:14 pm
05 Jul 2006 07:15 pm
05 Jul 2006 07:15 pm
05 Jul 2006 07:20 pm
05 Jul 2006 07:20 pm
05 Jul 2006 07:20
05 Jul 2006 07:21 pm
05 Jul 2006 07:23 pm
11 Jul 2006 11:21 pm
04 Aug 2006 08:10 pm
17 Sep 2006 10:09
17 Sep 2006 10:09 pm
27 Sep 2006 06:52 pm
08 Dec 2006 01:08 pm
30 Dec 2006 10:31 pm
30 Dec 2006 10:32 pm
30 Dec 2006 10:32 pm
30 Dec 2006 10:33 pm
02 Jan 2007 07:06 pm
02 Jan 2007 07:06 pm
27 Feb 2007 04:21 pm
27 Feb 2007 04:22 pm
23 Apr 2007 10:28 am
15 Nov 2007 10:57 am
15 Nov 2007 10:57 am
15 Nov 2007 10:58 am
10 Nov 2013 9:31 pm
22 Aug 2015 π
5 Nov 2016 11:42 pm 🙂
6 Jan 2017 😎
19 September 2021: two today. One for someone I’ve known for years who’s partner suffers from depression and anxiety, and another for someone that I’ve only known for a short time. 😎😎
12th October, 2023 For my friend, who suffered depression; to a former colleague; to three acquaintances, who partners suffer from depression; to the friend whose depression has always been there and which Iβve sadly taken for granted. To the person who Iβve lost touch withe; to the person that has come out the other side; to the person that I learnt about today. You are not alone

β¦and to me, who is now in a better place than I was a year ago. I am not alone

And, as I re-post this entry, let me add another smiley face for someone that I’ve met since having to remove this and other entries from my website.
And another for a friend who, after reading some of my other posts, has been incontract with me about their depression. Just remember that yo are not alone.
And another SF for my friend tonight. You are not alone, my friend, we are with you, too.
And another smiley face today, for someone that I’ve known for several years but have only discovered that they suffer from depression as well. You are not alone. π
And another one for an old friend of mine, who reminded me that they suffer from depression. I’m sorry that I didn’t add you earlier. You were the first person that I came across who was seeking help, and that had spoken to me about your depression. What I know now I wish that I’d known then, because although I tried to be supportive, I just didn’t know what the heck I should do. π
A rather poignant day, given the passing of Robin Williams, who had suffered from severe depression, and which it is believed may have contributed to his death.
Two smiley faces: one for a friend’s mother, and one for their boyfriend. You are not alone.
One for someone I have yet to meet face to face, but whose story is familiar to Panda and I. You are not alone.